miss hecubus says hello


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KITH news

* 6/14/01 - Scott's most recent appearance on the conan o'brien show will air tonight on nbc

* 6/1/01 - it seems that Bruce will also be touring sometime this fall/winter but no dates have been announced

* 6/1/01 - Scott's going on tour!!! i am majorly excited... the only dates announced as of yet are for montreal, florida, and new york. he should hit the rest of america around september

* 5/18/01 - according to a very small article, Dave will be teaming up with a couple of people he worked with on the Wrong Guy to do a new sitcom for fox. yay Dave!

"jazz schmazz. i'm sorry but i have to go that far. jazz schmazz." -brucio

"i'm fine!! i'm just looking for paper..CLIPS!!" -girl drink drunk

"this urine is great!" -alice

"mosquitos only live for one day you know. so if they skip breakfast, i guess they had a bad childhood." -gavin