dave's pretty girls: 1. jocelyn 2. career-ending moments oscar winner 3. wife in "night of the cow" 4. jean terrance 5. hooker with the governor 6. carolyn lewis in "screw you taxpayer" 7. judy, kyle's mom (bauer's fling) 8. trudie, sex girl patrol member 9. scott's date in "wanna see a dead body?" 10. tracy, daughter in horsey/old yeller sketch 11. gwen 12. mrs elizabeth ferguson 13. mark's girlfriend in "the lovers" 14. drunk girl in danny husk's bad anecdote sketch 15. bride in "multiple marriages" 16. louise the bad cheater in airplane sketch 17. mom in "who do you want to live with" 18. mrs carvin in destructive tea party sketch and "yes, dear" sketch 19. sandra, girlfriend in bob the bj angel sketch 20. kitty in "katnapped" 21. daughter "swettie" in hastily written sketch 22. wife in bed who says "we're not multiple orgasm people" 23. martha, marks girlfriend who cooks 24. mona dakins from high school 25. woman leading all-female meeting in "bye, stan" 26. single woman at bar in vain cyclops sketch 27. grandma in thanksgiving sketch 28. girlfriend in sketch where time goes by really fast
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scott's pretty girls: 1. francesca fiore 2. queen of england 3. buddy cole :) 4. maudrid 5. michelle in "hotel la rut" 6. alfonsa in "backstage on broadway" 7. cathy 8. "byoootiful lady" 9. chalice, actress presenter at academy awards 10. children's book writer who tries to murder kevin 11. worker at superstar cable 12. single woman at bar with vain cyclops 13. indian woman
kevin's pretty girls: 1. lacey 2. natalie, gavin's babysitter 3. goddess of compensation 4. scott's 2nd date in "wanna see a dead body?" 5. danny husk's wife 6. nutty bunny #1's ladyfriend at restaurant 7. lady at restaurant served by darrill 8. girl with bulldog in "the terrier song" 9. pregnant wife in the cabbie doctor sketch 10. tom's wife at dinner parties with nina 11. wife of man with a spider on his face 12. darcy pennell 13. country mom with sick husband 14. teenage girl in "cutest boy on death row" 15. lady in bar when cabbagehead is shot 16. bad doctor's nurse 17. vilan, hip cool 45 guy's wife 18. maggie, AT&Love boss' secretary 19. kitty's mom, also woman in dipping areas & gazebo (or at least i *think* they're all the same chick!) 20. kathy, bleeding ear man's date